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Message to Polish American Health Association, Inc.

Polish American Health Association, Inc. - Polish  in Washington DC

Polish American Health Association, Inc.

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About Polish American Health Association, Inc.

Polish American Health Association (PAHA) is a Washington DC based, non profit charitable organization dedicated to bring together professional health providers and biomedical scientists with the purpose of sharing mutual professional, cultural, and social interests.

PAHA organized scientific programs, workshops and symposia for its members and general public, promoted joint programs with Poland, provided support to medical schools, universities and biomedical research institutions in Poland since 1992.

The Polish American Health Association (PAHA) was established in October of 1990 by a group of approximately 40 physicians, biomedical scientists and other individuals from the Washington metropolitan area with the purpose of providing a forum for health care and biomedical professionals of Polish descent.

The formal goals and purposes of PAHA are educational and charitable. PAHA’s activities include:

- Public discussion groups on selected medical, health and scientific subjects;
- Fundraising for the benefit of various humanitarian, nonprofit organizations in Poland.


Primary Office Location

pin Washington DC


Message Polish American Health Association, Inc.