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Message to Polish American Congress

Polish American Congress - Polish  in Washington DC

Polish American Congress

(202) 296-6955
(202) 296-6955

About Polish American Congress

The Polish American Congress is a National Umbrella Organization, representing at least 10 million Americans of Polish descent and origin. Its membership is comprised of fraternal, educational, veteran, religious, cultural, social, business, political organizations and individual membership.

The Polish American community prides itself on its deeply rooted commitment to the values of family, faith, democracy, hard work and fulfillment of the American dream. We are present in every state and virtually every community in America, on various social, business and economic levels.

The Polish American Congress, an “umbrella” organization, is a federation of over 3000 Polish American organizations and clubs, ranging from national fraternal benefit societies, such as the Polish National Alliance, Polish Women’s Alliance, Polish Roman Catholic Union, Polish Falcons and others, including veteran, cultural, professional, religious and social associations, with aggregate membership of over one million. The PAC by-laws also provide for individual membership, as well as associate membership.

The PAC promotes civic, educational and cultural programs designed to further not only the knowledge of Polish history, language and culture, but to stimulate Polish American involvement and accomplishments.


Primary Office Location

pin 1612 K Street NW, Suite 1200 Washington DC 20006

pin (202) 296-6955


Social Media

Twitter page for Polish American Congress - Polish  in Washington Facebook page for Polish American Congress - Polish  in Washington Instagram page for Polish American Congress - Polish  in Washington Twitter page for Polish American Congress - Polish  in Washington Instagram page for Polish American Congress - Polish  in Washington
Message Polish American Congress
(202) 296-6955